KNH Sawatzky & Associates has extensive experience in providing post-disaster assessments and expert testimony in both mediation proceedings as well as court.
Building assessments have been completed after fires/collapses/ floods, due to quality issues during construction or from significant concerns noted after occupancy.
This process often also includes a review and opinion as to the completeness and accuracy of the construction documents used for the original construction as well as the sequencing and quality of the actual construction process.

Benefit of Service
- KNH Sawatzky & Associates has provided technical reviews, opinions and expert testimony on a wide variety of cases. KNH can provide a seamless transition from the initial building and construction drawing assessment to the litigation process including examination for discovery, mediation, or court.
- Integrity is at the heart of everything we do, so you can trust KNH to offer an unbiased and fact based service that holds up under scrutiny.
- As a one-stop prime consultant service, KNH can customize the engineering and architectural services required for each unique situation including any required third party technical service.